Archive for the ‘Emergency preparedness for the Disabled’ Category

Emergency Preparedness for People with Disabilities

June 30, 2010

Emergency Planning for the Disabled

Are you prepared to evacuate your residence in case of an emergency situation like a hurricane, flood or other natural disaster? For people with disabilities, there are even more things to think about. Things like a wheelchair or scooter, oxygen equipment, medications, and more, make it imperative to plan in advance.These tips from can be a lifesaver!

  • Create a support network of trustworthy family, friends or neighbors to help in an emergency.
  • Tell these people where you keep your emergency supplies and important documents.
  • Give one member of your support network a key to your house or apartment.
  • Contact your city or county government’s emergency information management office. Many local offices keep lists of people with disabilities so they can be located quickly in a sudden emergency.
  • Wear medical alert tags or bracelets to help identify your disability.
  • If you are dependent on dialysis or other life sustaining treatment, know the location and availability of more than one facility.
  • Show others how to operate your wheelchair.
  • Know the size and weight of your wheelchair, and whether or not it is collapsible, in case it has to be transported.
  • If you have a back-up battery for a wheelchair, make sure it is charged.
  • Make a list now of everything you would need to take and a list of other things you’d like to take if there’s time and space. If you wait, you could forget about extra medicine in case you don’t get back home for a week or two. And phone numbers! And your checkbook!

This mobility safety update has been brought to you by NMEDA – the National Mobility Equipment Dealers Association. Need some information on how to make your car wheelchair accessible or upgraded with the latest and most convenient features? Contact a NMEDA dealer in your local area. Your local NMEDA member is a mobility equipment and accessibility expert!